Author: alastair

  • Linux Retirement

    After 27 years of using Linux as my primary workstation. I’m quitting it. No doubt I’ll do most of my development on Linux machines or containers and even WSL, but as a workstation OS I’ve had enough of it. Windows and Mac OS are much better. I’m tired of writing and editing configuration files or…

  • What is real???

    Tired of fighting. It’s so fucking hard having to navigate this world. We’re all broken. Some of the sanest people I ever met were inpatients at psychiatric wards. I wish the same could be said about the outside. It can’t. What a broken world. The fact society continues to function is evidence of God’s existence…

  • Bell Ringing

    I’ve just been up the tower and had a go at bell ringing. It was great.

  • Something Important

    This won’t make sense to you. To me it’s very, very, very important. Remember this.

  • Mr Chip

    Well, I am starting a small business venture. By the grace of almighty God, a non-native English speaker chose to name their take-away restaurant “Mr Chip”. Today I proudly announce (with tongue in cheek) the birth of Mr Chip… Sweet Jesus I make myself laugh.

  • The Body of Christ

    Thank God for His Church. Thank God for good people. If it wasn’t for the Church I don’t know what I would do. Through Him, with Him, in Him. God lives in the hearts of all good men. Advice for myself and for others: Doubt: “This is too hard!” Response: “Fuck off Satan!!!”

  • Sub7 Unix Console Client

    Fucking amazing! When I was a kid I reverse engineered the sub seven trojan horse. I wrote a fucking client for it but it was lost until my friend Chris sent me a binary. Holy shit. I’ve decompiled the binary. For some reason as a cracker back in the 90s I only distributed a fucking…

  • Mac OS File Sharing

    Mac OS by default shares user home directories and volumes. There is no way in the GUI to disable this. Apply the changes listed below and either disable then enable file sharing or reboot your Apple computer.

  • Sunday

    “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) In essence, have a fucking rest and remember your God. The eastern window of St. Michael’s and All Angels Church, Alvaston, Derby.

  • Compline – Night Prayer

    Something to listen to before bed. A friend of mine introduced me to this.

  • Morning Walk

    I can’t believe we took this photo. Every morning I walk here and touch the front door of the church. For some reason today I took a fucking photo of it. It’s gorgeous. Jesus took this photo I didn’t even have to try. I told you He was a maniac. He’s brilliant! What I’m trying…

  • My Dream

    It’s really simple. To work as a software developer and be completely independent. To go shopping, pay bills, do washing, go to work, go to church. Everything everyone else completely takes fore-granted. I just want a normal life. Schizophrenia makes that very difficult. However, I always wanted to be an OpenBSD and Enlightenment contributor. Thank…

  • Workstation

    Mac OS, Linux and Windows. This is where the “magic” happens. Can you guess I’m single? 🙂

  • Mental Health

    I know it’s not a competition in suffering. There are many people far more ill than me. However, I can say confidently that I know how to suffer. I love the mentally ill because they understand and know how to suffer. Most people I have met with mental health issues had serious issues in their…

  • NHS Doctors

    Thank God for nurses, nursing assistants, cleaners and the culinary staff in the NHS, they are fantastic! I cannot believe how stupid most doctors are. Mistake after mistake. My psychiatrist can’t even do her times table! How can someone so inadequate be in charge of medication which ultimately affects my future? She’s lucky I’m not…

  • Evisum

    Evisum is a system monitor I have written with the EFL software stack. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD and MacOS. It’s currently available as a package for a wide selection of operating systems including (but not limited to) ArchLinux, Gentoo and FreeBSD. You can download the latest source code from: It has a…

  • My Faith – Jesus or death

    Christian. Roman Catholic with a dash of Eastern Orthodoxy and Anglicanism. My name in religious is “Matthius”, given to me by the bishop emeritus of Aberdeen Peter Moran. It’s “Jesus or death.” Simple. This is my motto. To all priests, the times are changing. This is the century of the lay faithful, whether you like…

  • My Jesus

    This is how my Jesus looks.

  • Enlightenment Resumes

    After a 2-year sabbatical God has decided I can write some C again!!! Also I’ve brought back the old evisum icon. It’s beautiful. Fucking gorgeous. Fuck what everyone else is doing!

  • The Jesus Psalter

    An Old English Catholic Devotion from the 16th century. Be careful what you pray for. God might answer it 15 years from now. “Send me here my Purgatory” . Dear Jesus what was I thinking? It’s a monster of a prayer. I hope you enjoy. Pray with caution. He hears everything. Abridged As with the…