Category: Software

  • Linux Retirement

    After 27 years of using Linux as my primary workstation. I’m quitting it. No doubt I’ll do most of my development on Linux machines or containers and even WSL, but as a workstation OS I’ve had enough of it. Windows and Mac OS are much better. I’m tired of writing and editing configuration files or…

  • Mac OS File Sharing

    Mac OS by default shares user home directories and volumes. There is no way in the GUI to disable this. Apply the changes listed below and either disable then enable file sharing or reboot your Apple computer.

  • Workstation

    Mac OS, Linux and Windows. This is where the “magic” happens. Can you guess I’m single? 🙂

  • Evisum

    Evisum is a system monitor I have written with the EFL software stack. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD and MacOS. It’s currently available as a package for a wide selection of operating systems including (but not limited to) ArchLinux, Gentoo and FreeBSD. You can download the latest source code from: It has a…

  • Enlightenment Resumes

    After a 2-year sabbatical God has decided I can write some C again!!! Also I’ve brought back the old evisum icon. It’s beautiful. Fucking gorgeous. Fuck what everyone else is doing!