Christmas Day Ramblings

I’ve tried very hard to utilise PHP outside of its server-side content generation on the web. The problem is I’m very proficient in C. I also had an extended period of using Go and 6 months of Rust experience.

The problem I am finding is that I know for 100% certainty that anything I write in PHP using the interpreter on a local machine is going to be magnitudes less efficient and correct than using an alternate language.

Sockets programming is a joke and threading just doesn’t feel right. I’ve mentioned event-loop programming before and it is a bloody joke.

Mike Tyson said to succeed you have to force yourself to do things you hate as though you loved them.

In order to do this I really need some sort of a miracle to change my determination and interest in JavaScript and PHP. I’m asking God for this miracle. I need it as my future may well depend on it.

This is really a cry to God for help to become more interested in these technologies. I wish I could work writing embedded C to program microcontrollers or writing applications in languages like Go or Rust.

It’s very difficult to explain my rationale for choosing these languages it becomes a bit mystical and with my diagnosis of schizophrenia if you (the reader) knew my choices you would find them logically questionable.

I try to keep up-to-date with the languages changes. Both JavaScript and PHP have horrific leftovers from their origins. They were both really scrapped together with later changes trying to improve their original design decisions.

What I’m trying to say is that I fucking hate PHP and I hate JavaScript too. I’m going to try anyhow.